National Senior Citizen Day


Did you know that August 21st is National Senior Citizen Day? Established by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, it is a day to recognize the important role Older Americans play in our lives and our community. National Senior Citizen Day may be the perfect opportunity to recognize the contributions of U.S. seniors, as well as pursue opportunities to support our older population. 

Older Americans built and developed this country and the younger generations are reaping the benefits. Therefore, National Senior Citizen Day takes a moment to honor Older Americans.  In addition, the day highlights the fact that seniors may be one of our most valuable resources for advice because of their extensive life experiences.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have restricted access to our elder loved ones, but there may still be ways we can reach out to them and show them how much we care, especially on this special day. This National Senior Citizen Day, consider:

  • Calling a senior loved one
  • Sending thank you cards to a nursing home or retirement community
  • Due to restrictions, stopping by a nursing home or assisted living facility to wave at the residents from the windows (as a bonus, bring signs with words of encouragement)

During these unprecedented times, Older Americans may be struggling more than ever. Be sure to make the extra effort this National Senior Citizen Day to show them that you care and honor all they have accomplished over their lifetimes.

As practitioners of elder law, our office remains committed to supporting our aging American population. This National Senior Citizens Day, we honor American seniors and their many contributions. Should you or a loved one need any help with elder law issues, we are here to help in any way we can. Please feel free to contact our office to schedule an appointment.